Tuesday, August 19, 2008

After work I...


Used our shop's "parts washer" to clean some components for Koji's bike I'm working on.


Rode back downtown through the Broadway Tunnel.


Watched a tap dancer in Northbeach get down.





Christian said...

Nice ride home. I'm going to start doing this. I loved the post you linked to about the Broadway tunnel - especially the last introspection about the insanity of self-portraiture at high speed in the wet tunnel. Awesome.

I've been wondering how you get some of these pics. I'm most curious about the pictures of you skitching - how did you get those?

Ryan said...

I took the skitching pics with my left hand while the cars were stopped. Still, kind of stupid.

90% of my photos I take with my blackberry curve that's strapped to front of my messenger bag.

I told myself I'd start a blog once I got a phone with a camera.

YU said...

It had been a while since the last time I checked your blog. Seems like you are working on a bike a lot lately!
Hey, is "Koji" uncle koji koji? Did he get a bike?

ponyheart said...

that last pic is seriously great. i would print that shit if its high enough res!