Friday, October 31, 2008

Critical Mass / Becoming a Square

I must be turning into an L7. On my ride home from work this evening I ran into critical mass, and "damn" was my first thought.

The almost critical mass of cyclists was careening towards the Broadway Tunnel and I knew I had to beat them in to salvage my commute, which I did with gusto. [By using the word "gusto" my Tycoon Status has been revoked.]

Here's a picture I snagged from John who was apparently in the tunnel:

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Goldsprints Again

Did another Goldsprints last week. I was tired. Saw a bunch of East Bay friends, a bike shuttle buddy, and plenty of messengers I used to see more of though, so it wasn't a total loss.

GoldSprints @ Mike's Bikes Berkeley - 10/16/08 from Mike's Bikes on Vimeo.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

In the Middle

There was a crane in the middle of Montgomery street the other day.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Men in Tights / Backhanded Compliments

I'll admit it, I was flattered when coming back from a ride in the city, exiting Ashby BART a woman, worse for wear, asked me "if I wasn't worried about getting raped wearing them tight, tight shorts".

men in tight pants

To be honest, the thought hadn't yet crossed my mind.

Monday, October 6, 2008


I found myself at Walgreen's this evening and was somehow drawn to the "bike section". Hella generic parts and such. Pretty much just "Bike Gear" brand, priced very low. So it was surprising to spot a three pack of tire levers by Park Tool, one of the more well known "serious" bike tool manufacturers.

bike parts at walgreens