I throughly enjoyed working with John and Blake putting the whole thing together. Maybe I'll do another one someday.
Here we are in all our Scrape finery, right before the start of the race:
(from left, Me, John, Blake - I'm calling check point volunteers to make sure they're at they're spots, John is yelling at everybody to "shut the fuck up" and Blake is touching a camera to his face)

thanks Jenny for the photo
Me at the afterparty:

thanks doxasticlogic for the photo
Here is a link to hundreds of photos from the race submitted by various people.
Special thanks to all of the people who helped out, our sponsors, and my family members and friends who donated cash, including my parents, my cousin Jeff in LA who is a reader and has a blog of his own all about the Mixed Martial Arts scene: www.whaledog.com check it out, Dale who just finished the AIDS ride, , my aunt and uncle, other cousins and more. THANKS DUDES!
Did anyone who reads this blog race? Let me know and I'll try to score you a hat.
when you run alleycats like this, do you have to get permits and insurance and all that crap?
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